Please be aware that as of the academic year 2023/24 this specific choice of programme at Innsbruck Elementary School (IES) will only be available for students attending our current 3rd and 4th grades. International students joining these existing classes will follow the programme as well.
Students joining our first grades in the academic year 2023/24 and in future will follow the programme of the Accredited European School Tirol (AES-Tirol). For further information please follow the link below:
- are fluent and possess a high level of English
- plan together
- work in a team
- communicate openly with other teachers, students and parents
- team teach and lead classes together
- offer a safe, high-level learning environment
- model respect, communication and positive learning habits to the students
- have an open door and willingness to work with parents for the betterment of each student’s education
- are committed to their child’s education at I.E.S.
- encourage the child
- support the child’s second language
(create occasions to use this language outside school: friends, books, games, music, movies, websites…) - show interest in school work
- are willing to cooperate
(example: willing to talk English to the native English teachers)
In addition to the child’s school maturity, the child needs:
- to possess a high-level of English (speaking and comprehension)
- linguistic flexibility
- desire to communicate
- high motivation
- ability to focus and concentrate