Workshops & Excursions
Please be aware that as of the academic year 2023/24 this specific choice of programme at Innsbruck Elementary School (IES) will only be available for students attending our current 3rd and 4th grades. International students joining these existing classes will follow the programme as well.
Students joining our first grades in the academic year 2023/24 and in future will follow the programme of the Accredited European School Tirol (AES-Tirol). For further information please follow the link below:
From Monday to Thursday, Workshops take place once per week between 15:15-16:30 and the themes change in a 1-3 month rhythm.
The Workshops will begin in November (letter to parents will follow at the end of October).
Activity Days
Each group has its own “Aktivtag” and they take place mostly outside the school building.
On these days, the children do not receive any homework so that the group can leave for the various activities immediately after lunch.
Dates and contents of “Aktivtage” will be announced early and in writing by the respective Afternoon Club teachers.
Please note: There may be a small cost for these activities.
Aktivtage will take place once a month.