Daily Routine
Please be aware that as of the academic year 2023/24 this specific choice of programme at Innsbruck Elementary School (IES) will only be available for students attending our current 3rd and 4th grades. International students joining these existing classes will follow the programme as well.
Students joining our first grades in the academic year 2023/24 and in future will follow the programme of the Accredited European School Tirol (AES-Tirol). For further information please follow the link below:

The children come to the Afternoon Club on the ground floor directly after school ends and get their lunch OR go to the garden and then eat in the next meal group (“Essensgruppe”).
On the days that your child will attend Afternoon Club, please remind them in the morning. This is especially important for children in first and second grade. Tip: A keyring can be clipped onto your child’s schoolbag in the morning to remind them that they will attend the Afternoon Club that day.
Lunch is made freshly every day by the Wohnheim Reichenau and is then delivered to our school.
Lunch consists of a first course, followed by the main course and a dessert.
Our agreement with the children is: Every child should try some of the food, but nobody will be forced to eat everything up!
Please inform us immediately of any of your child’s allergies!
We try to create a quiet and healthy atmosphere during lunchtime.
After lunch we go outside into the garden, if the weather is suitable.
From 14:00 to 15:00 the children have time to do their homework. The Afternoon Club teacher acts as support and checks the homework of the children as far as is possible. Please check the homework of your child nevertheless, and to take care of the reading homework individually.
After homework, we generally go back into the garden or alternatively your child may choose to participate in a Workshop.
We try to use our school gardens as much as possible, because it’s important to us that the children spend a lot of time in the fresh air and have enough movement.
Later in the afternoon, a fruit snack will be provided to the children.