Please be aware that as of the academic year 2023/24 this specific choice of programme at Innsbruck Elementary School (IES) will only be available for students attending our current 3rd and 4th grades. International students joining these existing classes will follow the programme as well.
Students joining our first grades in the academic year 2023/24 and in future will follow the programme of the Accredited European School Tirol (AES-Tirol). For further information please follow the link below:
General Information
Applications for admission are accepted throughout the school year
Enrolment for Grade one is in winter/spring preceding admission. To enter Grade one the child must have reached his/her 6th birthday before September 1st of the current academic year
The admission procedure is comprised of an interview to assess the child’s knowledge of the English language, linguistic flexibility, motivation, social maturity and capacity for integration. We use the Austrian guidance to assess school readiness.
The admission to the school will then be determined by a committee.
The orientation interviews will take place at the beginning of the summer semester.
Children who are already attending another elementary school can be admitted anytime for Grade two, three or four when the preconditions are met. School reports are required for children applying for Grade two, three or four and previous work materials/books would be helpful
Successful enrolment is subject to availability.
Depending on the child’s first language literacy will be taught in either English or German.
Priority is given to students with families working for international companies.
Enrolment Criteria
- All enrolled students must possess a level of English that enables them to follow the school curriculum. Competence in communication and conversation is a requirement. The students must be able to express themselves during the orientation interview and demonstrate their level of English to the teachers.
- A high level of emotional and social maturity is essential for integration and the linguistic challenges of an IES classroom.
- Admission into Grade one requires that students have displayed strong “school readiness” skills and possess a high level of motivation. This helps to ensure the child has the best opportunity for success.
For further information regarding dates and registration, please view the calendar or contact the principal:
VD Gerlinde Prazeller
Siebererstraße 7
6020 Innsbruck
phone: +43-512-584870-391
email: office [at] ies [dot] tsn [dot] at